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Things to Think About When Moving Elderly Parents Out of Their Home

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As our parents age, their needs and preferences may evolve. A move to a new environment can be an exciting opportunity for a more carefree lifestyle, free from housekeeping and home maintenance.

Whether it’s a community with on-site amenities or a smaller, easier-to-maintain space, exploring new options can provide a sense of security and independence. 

When this happens, it’s important to carefully consider the options available and provide support during the transition process. Here are some tips to help: 

  • Have an honest conversation
  • Set realistic expectations
  • Acknowledge emotions
  • Build a support network
  • Make it a positive transition

The Enclave of Newell Creek provides our residents with the support they need to live the lifestyle they so richly deserve. We offer engaging activities and amenities, enhanced safety and security, and innovative features, such as personal fall detection sensors and telehealth.

Start with an Honest Discussion

Before outlining any specific plans, prioritize an honest and open discussion with your parents. This conversation is an opportunity to understand their hopes and dreams for the future:

  • What activities do they enjoy? Is there a way to incorporate these into their new environment?
  • Are there any potential health concerns to consider? Planning ahead can ensure their new home caters to their needs.
  • What’s their ideal living situation? Do they dream of a low-maintenance space, a vibrant community, or something else?

By openly discussing these questions, you can work together to find a supportive environment that enhances their well-being and allows them to thrive in this new chapter.

Set Realistic Expectations

Taking some time to plan ahead can make a big difference in ensuring a smooth move for everyone. 

Give yourself a realistic timeline. Planning at least 2 months in advance gives you time to stay organized and avoid last-minute stress.

Discussing the moving budget and location preferences with your parents ensures everyone is on the same page. Working together on logistics can make the process more manageable and even create opportunities for positive shared experiences.

Think of the Emotional Aspect

Moving is considered one of the most stressful life events, and this can be especially true for your parents. Acknowledge their feelings and involve them in decisions to empower them and ease the transition.

Start small, like sorting a drawer or revisiting an attic box, and focus on less sentimental areas like the kitchen. Encourage stories about cherished items, making letting go a more positive experience.

Remember, patience and understanding are key. Downsizing creates space for new experiences, not a loss of memories. Show your love and support throughout this journey.

Get a Helping Hand from Those Who’ve Been There

A vast network of support is available during this transition. Many people have walked a similar path. Here are some ways to connect:

  • Downsizing and estate planning groups: These groups offer valuable advice, resources, and emotional support.
  • Families and neighbors: Connecting with others who understand your situation can ease the transition and build a sense of community.
  • Professional organizers or move managers: These individuals provide hands-on assistance with sorting, decluttering, organizing, and planning the physical aspects of the move.

Create a Smooth & Supportive Move

Despite the stress of a move, you can help make it a positive experience for your parents by: 

  • Involving other family members: Get everyone involved in the process, encouraging shared memories and laughter.
  • Adding personal touches: Bring along cherished items and traditions from their old home to personalize and create a sense of comfort in the new space.
  • Focusing on comfort: Help them recreate familiar routines and prioritize establishing a warm and welcoming environment.
A senior woman and a senior man talking at a round table, with 2 other seniors on the background talking

Facilitate a Smooth Move

As you consider different living options for your parents, remember that communities like The Enclave of Newell Creek can offer a supportive and enriching environment. Nestled amidst beautiful surroundings, The Enclave provides assisted living and memory care services catering to various needs.

Imagine your parents enjoying delicious meals with friends, engaging in activities, or taking strolls through the nearby nature center. The Enclave’s dedicated staff offers discreet support, allowing your parents to maintain their independence while receiving the care they deserve.

Schedule a visit today and explore The Enclave of Newell Creek’s supportive environment. 

Written by
Bridge Senior Living

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