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Crafts for Seniors With Dementia

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An older adult showing their adult child a scrapbook made during an craft class for seniors with dementia.

Creative activities are an extremely rewarding way to spend time. For older adults with dementia, these activities are both stimulating and beneficial. They’re a great way to help your loved one enjoy every day with a hobby that stimulates the mind. So what activities and experiences can help?

Some craft ideas for seniors with dementia include:

  • Paper crafting
  • Memory books
  • Watercolor paintings
  • Fabric collages
  • Beading
  • Scented sachets
  • Puzzle photo frames

Paper Crafting

Paper crafting is an excellent way to stimulate the senses and encourage creativity. You only need a few materials:

  • Colored paper
  • Safety scissors
  • Glue sticks
  • Markers

Guide your loved one to cut any shapes they choose. Then, work together and piece the creations into a simple collage. If you choose, you can also work with photos or magazine clippings. This lets your loved one share stories based on their creations and enhances the experience for you both.

Memory Books

Memory books are a simple activity, but they let your loved one express themselves in unique ways. To begin, you’ll need:

  • A blank scrapbook
  • Printed pictures
  • Stickers or patterned paper
  • Markers or colored pencils
  • Glue sticks

Gather photos that capture any meaningful times from your loved one’s past. Then, work together and create a book full of these memories. Your loved one can lay them out as they choose and decorate each page in their own way.

While working together, discuss the photos on each page. Encourage your loved one to share their stories and talk.  This allows them to express themselves and reminisce about their past, which can be extremely therapeutic.

Watercolor Painting

Watercolor painting is a gentle and relaxing activity that allows seniors with dementia to express themselves through color and design. This activity requires only a few basic materials, including:

  • Watercolor paints
  • Paintbrushes
  • Water containers
  • Watercolor paper

Begin by setting up a simple workspace with easy access to water and paints. Encourage your loved one to paint freely! As they paint, talk about the colors and shapes they’re choosing. This helps add mental stimulation while they create.

They should take the time to bring their thoughts or feelings to life. They don’t need to be a gifted artist—this isn’t about talent. It’s about reducing stress and fostering a sense of peace through a pleasant activity.

Fabric Collages

Fabric collages are a tactile craft. These engage several senses at once, which has plenty of benefits for older adults living with dementia. For this craft, you’ll need:

  • Several fabric scraps
  • Safety scissors
  • Tack or craft glue
  • A canvas or large piece of paper

Start by gathering a collection of different fabric pieces. Let your loved one take the time to feel through the textures and select their favorites from the pile. Cut or tear their choices into different shapes and sizes and have your loved one fit them together however they choose.

As your loved one arranges the pieces, discuss the colors, patterns, and sensations of the fabrics. This promotes sensory awareness and stimulates cognitive function—all while creating a soothing activity.


Beading is a simple activity that improves hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Start by gathering:

  • Beads of different shapes, sizes, and colors
  • String or elastic cord
  • Safety scissors (if necessary)

Encourage your loved one to string the beads in whatever pattern they choose. You can also create a bracelet or necklace together. As they bead, talk about the colors and patterns they’re creating.

This craft is an excellent opportunity for creative expression and physical dexterity—both essential for seniors with dementia.

A close-up of an older adult smiling during an outdoor watercolor craft class for seniors with dementia.

Scented Sachets

Scented sachets are not only simple to make but provide calming effects through aromatherapy. Gather these materials:

  • Small fabric squares
  • Lavender petals or herbs of your choice
  • Needle and thread (or fabric glue)

Put a small amount of lavender in the center of one fabric square. Then, fold it over and sew or glue three sides together. Creating these fragrant sachets also adds sensory stimulation. Once finished, your loved one can hold and smell their sachet whenever they want to feel calm.

Puzzle Photo Frames

Puzzle photo frames combine puzzles with personal photos. They are visually stimulating activities that challenge the mind while creating cherished keepsakes. For this activity you’ll need:

  • A blank puzzle
  • Printed pictures
  • Puzzle glue (optional)

Start by selecting a favorite photo or print from your loved one’s past. Then, glue the image onto a blank puzzle and let it dry. Once set, take turns piecing the puzzle together while discussing the memories captured in the photo.

This activity encourages cognitive function and sparks conversation, making for a meaningful bonding experience with your loved one.

Crafting Lasting Connections

Exploring crafts with a loved one with dementia is inspiring. It’s a simple way to support your loved one in a way that matters. That’s why our team here at The Enclave of Newell Creek takes pride in all of our available activities—we know how much of a difference they make.

We’re ready to help your loved one live a life they love in a place that understands their unique needs. To learn more, contact our team today, or schedule a visit to see first-hand.

Written by
Bridge Senior Living

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